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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Style: Made Easy

If you would stop by here at any point in the week, you'd most likely find me in my work uniform. This basically consists of a t-shirt, my Duluth pants (you really need a pair of these), sneakers and a messy bun. Sometimes I throw on a baseball cap for good measure. If you stop by after about 9am, I'm probably going to have mud caked on some part of my outfit. I think it goes without saying that I don't have a bit of makeup on either.

I'll admit, ever since becoming a mom, I'd live in leggings if you'd let me. When you're chasing around 3 kids, things are bound to get messy. If I make it to lunchtime without someone wiping something on me its a bonafide miracle. Now add in 3 dogs and 15 chickens. It's a lost cause. PLUS there's the whole "the world has been put on pause due to COVID-19 thing". I now have no reason to actually make myself look presentable. (don't worry, my husband assures me he really doesn't mind)

Now before anyone starts thinking that motherhood caused my downward fashion spiral, you should know that I don't think anyone would have ever classified me as "fashion forward". It just wasn't my thing. Case in point: I once wore an outfit entirely made of pleather to middle school. A few days later, I wore my grandfather's navy uniform. As if that time in anyone's life isn't awkward enough...

Its for all the reasons above that I jumped in with both feet when I heard about Stitch Fix. I'm sure by this point most people know about Stitch Fix but allow me to summarize what really sold me. My own personal stylist who would pick out things based on my preferences, send them to me in the mail and I could return anything I didn't like without a fee. I was sold when I heard that someone else would dress me. (As much as we spend our childhood wishing we were older, the thought of having someone dress us, drive us around, and even an occasional time-out sounds like a dream when we actually reach adulthood!)

I have used this service on and off for several years now and, I'll be honest, they don't always hit the mark but when they hit it, they really hit it! I'm slowly building my wardrobe with things that aren't worn out t-shirts and cargo pants. It's nice to know that the outfits I’m buying are high quality and actually look good. Now, if only I could find time for an actual date night with my husband...

You can check out Stitch Fix here and get $25 off your first styling!

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