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Essential Oils: Explained


What are essential oils?

Plants! Oils are distilled from the roots, bark, leaves, and flowers of our beautiful earth to create a sustainable and reliable way to give us individual care. Forget the boxed answers that pretend my needs are just like yours. Essential oils work with your body in the way that you need them to.

They are not a new health trend.  In fact, they've been around for thousand of years (with good reason).


How do you use them?
Let me count the ways. Before you know it, you’ll be wearing them as perfume, diffusing them to fill your home with beneficial aromas, taking them in supplements, adding them to your personal care routine, and creating all kinds of unique and custom blends and products for your home. Whether you are a DIY queen or want your products convenient and ready to go, everything you need will be at your fingertips. And the best part? All of this is figured out for you. Just wait until you tap into our endless resources, ideas, suggestions, and education.

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Why Young Living?

Not all oils are created equally and Young Living is the only brand on the market that has something called the Seed to Seal guarantee. Young Living controls every single aspect of the supply chain from the planting of the seeds to the bottling of the essential oils (seed to seal). They test each and every batch to ensure that when they tell you 100% pure, they mean 100% pure. (“fun” fact: a company can claim that their oils are 100% pure even if they are 90% “filler”. Labels can be misleading, friends.)

I’ve been to a Young Living farm. I’ve seen their distillation process. I met with their leaders. Everything revolves around that seed to seal promise and that’s exactly why they’re the only name out there that I trust for my family.

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