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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Nana's Strawberry Jelly

Growing up, I remember that May and June signaled one thing for our family: it was time to make my Nana's famous strawberry jelly. This was a full scale production with all hands on deck. I remember the washing, the cutting, the boiling (and related burns) and best of all, the tasting. Nana worked just as hard as everyone and served as the overseer of the whole project.

We never did a small scale strawberry jelly making operation. It was a full day affair and now, as an adult, I see why. You get into a rhythm and you already have all of those dishes dirty so you might as well make it count!

Nana's strawberry jelly would last for the entire year because her extra freezer was filled with all of the jars. Store bought jelly was absolutely unacceptable so it was imperative to make sure we had enough so we didn't run out before the next strawberry season.

We've moved around quite a bit over the last few years and, as a result, we didn't get a chance to make Nana's strawberry jelly. We resorted to buying our jelly from the store and it truly was as awful as the stories that we had heard!

This year we are finally settled in and we got to once again make that delicious jelly. As it turns out, "Nana's Strawberry Jelly" recipe is the exact same one that comes in the SureJell packet. We'll still call it Nana's though. It only seems right.

You can find the recipe here!

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