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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Bless This Mess

Have you ever seen the television show "Bless this Mess"? If you haven't, allow me to summarize. A husband and wife move from New York City to a farm in Nebraska. They have no idea what they're doing and the land needs work. A LOT of work. The show follows their journey to figure it out and, of course, there are a lot of mistakes along the way. Add three kids to that show and you basically have a glimpse into my life.

As it turns out, you can spend years and years dreaming and when that dream finally becomes reality, you can still screw it up. Who knew!?

I have read that people think that homesteading is easy because they read a whole bunch of blogs that make it sound easy. This is not one of those blogs. You're going to see the good, the bad and the ugly. So while I may not be qualified (just yet) to tell you how to grow a high-yield garden, I can help you avoid some of the mistakes we made.

If you want to read even more tips before you get started, head on over to Homestead and Chill for a really great list!

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