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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Trench Warfare

When it comes to getting projects done around the house, my husband and I have two different styles. I believe that time is money and he believes that money is money. Since moving into our little homestead five months ago, we have had no shortage of projects that need to be completed. I'm blessed by the fact that my husband truly is a Jack-of-all-trades. If he doesn't know how to do something, he will learn. As a result, I have a beautiful dining room table, a fire pit, and our kids even have a treehouse and tire swing. Of course I'm biased but I think he really is pretty amazing.

This past weekend, he got an idea in his head that was equal parts brilliant and daunting. Our garden and our chicken coop are each about 75 yards away from a water source. It's only taken three months for us to get tired of carrying five gallon buckets back and forth. He decided that it was time to get a water source closer to where we really need it.

That is the story of how I spent I spent my weekend helping him dig a trench and lay a water line. Four faucets, 350 feet of pipe, countless couplings and buckets of sweat later, we are fully operational with water access in our chicken coop/garden area, at our workshop, my future greenhouse and our soon-to-be pig pen! Was it worth it? Well, now I can say yes. If you would have asked me on Saturday, I may have given you an entirely different answer. (As a side note, its much harder to dig a straight line than you may think!)

I would love to hear where you fall on this. Do you like to tackle a project yourself or would you rather pay the professionals to handle it?

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